You’ll laugh cause finally you are there, among the stars, isn’t it sarcastic!

إيناس رشيد | سوريا

No one believes in you at the beginning, you’re gonna work alone, you’re gonna cry alone, you’re gonna lose your hope.. But then, someday you’ll wake up, finding yourself where you really belong, between the stars..
From above you’ll see everybody applausing, and greeting you.
People like to see your achievements, they simply don’t care about how hard it was to make it, or how many times you were at the edge of committing suicide maybe, but you’ll find them looking at you proudly, saying with an innocent look on their face:
“We knew from the start that you were hiding something in your heart..”
At that moment you’ll find no way to express your feelings but to laugh, you will laugh for every tear you wept in your life, you’ll laugh for every day you’ve spent trying to find yourself and your way through the horrible darkness you were surrounded by..
You’ll laugh cause finally you are there, among the stars, isn’t it sarcastic!
Yes It is.. But that’s life..
Life is the moment when you laugh, after years and years of weeping alone!

10. July. 2020

مقالات ذات صلة

تعليق واحد

  1. يكمن الجمال في الوعي ويكمن الوعي في حكمة الكلمة ، ويكمن الحب في نسج كل ذلك معا . وهذا ما ألمسه في كلمات الكاتبة الشابة إيناس رشيد .

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